Examples of use
- Contactless readers
- Electronic access systems
- Security systems
- Legacy access systems updates
Converting Wiegand to Ethernet: The converter sends card numbers of from a reader using Spinel protocol. Data is sent through an established TCP connection to a controlling system. (Based on the configuration DIP switches it can also read the card number as a raw data in ASCII.) The controlling system reads the last card number using Spinel instructions.
Converting Ethernet to Wiegand: Any packet can be generated to the Wiegand interface using a Spinel instruction.
Transferring Wiegand over Ethernet: Two WieETH converters connected to Ethernet can work in a pair sending a Wiegand packet over the Ethernet as if there was a regular Wegand connection. First WieETH that reads cards is set to Wiegand – Ethernet mode (TCP client mode) and the second converter to Ethernet –
Wiegand mode (TCP server mode).
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